Kritikker fra udstilllingen i Næstved 23. marts 2008
Matin Croeser, Sydafrika

Babyklasse hanhund.

1609. O´talix´s Magic Mc. Magnum.
DK23453/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. sort.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar - DKCH O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Eva Hundrup, Islands Brygge 71, 1., 2., 2300 København S., Tlf.: 22159808
Very exsuberant puppy, good bone, the topline is not correct at the moment, good depth of the brisket, good front, sadly not moving well.

Babyklasse tæve.

1610. O´talix´s Magic Mc.Luna
DK23457/2007, 21/10/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH Toot´s Zanzibar - DKCH O´talix´s Knock Out Kawa By Vic)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Very promising, lovely style, very well made, beautifull front and hind quarters, very balanced, good tailset, very nice mover.
SL 1 , Bedste baby.

Championklasse hanhund.

1611. DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH Spotnik’s Viking Victory
04224/2002, 21/08/2001, hvid m. brun
O: Helle Høie. E: Søren Jacobsen & Helle Høie, Martin Lyngesvej 5, 4560 Vig, Tlf.: 36302085.
Ej mødt.

Mellemklasse hanhund.

1612. Spotty Buddy Velvet Freckles
11851/2006, 06/06/2006, hvid m. sort.
(Washakie Black Velvet - De Lukatan Home-Made-Biscuit)
O + E: Tenna Johansen, Markdannersvej 33, Andst, 6600 Vejen, Tlf.: 32531304.
Nice boy, good head, good neck, I would like better upper arm, good topline and depth of brisket, excellent bone, good tailset, very nice mover.
Ex 1

Åben klasse hanhund.

1613. Oriana’s Traceable Target
03334/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik’s Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Søren Jacobsen, Mette Grüner Vindfeldt, Morgans Annemiek, M Bechs Allé 69, 2650 Hvidovre, Tlf.: 36755122.
Nice masculine dog, I would like the neck a little cleaner, nice shoulder, I would like a better upper arm, good tailset, nice hind quarters, could move a little better in front.
Ex 1, CERT., BIM

1614. NLCH CHCH SKCH Starlong Silver Shadow
NHSB2372453 , 31/07/2001, hvid m. sort.
(NLCH Tommy Brock – NLCH INTCH Starlong Sweet Symphony)
O: Jorge Fatauros E: B. & J. Oberüber, Dorfstr. 47, D -15926 Heideblick/ Gehren, Tyskland
Very stylish dog, very good head, he could have a better front, however good topline, good tailset, nice hind quarters, could have more extension in front.
Ex 2

1615. Oriana’s Traceable Toffee
03337/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik’s Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon´s Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Thanning Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Kaja Bisgaard, Kielshøj 3, 3520 Farum, Tlf.: 35109110.
Masculine boy, I would like a cleaner neck, lacks shoulder angulation, strong dog, I would like a better topline, he is inclined to roach when he moves.
Ex 3

Championklasse tæve.

1616. DKCH Curias Somebody’s Shadow
12458/2002, 24/06/2002 , hvid m. sort
(Curia’s Of Old Origin – DKCH Curias Kassi Karisma)
O: Charlotte Jenvall & Hans Thiessen E: Tina Malling Thorsen & C. Jenvall, Chr. Winthersvej 75, 4700 Næstved
Excellent type, she is a little over weight for me, however lovely head, good shoulder and upper arm, excellent topline, good tailset, she could move better behind.
Ex 1

Juniorklasse tæve.

1617. Toot´s Counting On A Miracle
DK09649/2007, 10/01/2007, hvid m. brun.
(SECH DKCH NOCH INTCH Jilloc´s Loverboy - NOCH DKCH Toot´s You Can Call Me Al)
O: Aase Jakobsen, Ellen Utsi. E: Jens Møller Christensen, Kongshøj Allé 100, 5300 Kerteminde, Tlf.: 65325225.
Excellent head, good neck and shoulder, good depth of brisket, nice topline, excellent hind quarters, very good mover.
Ex 2

1618. Bon’obis Newlook Nounou
DK05572/2007, 17/03/2007, hvid m. brun.
(DEVDHCH DECH Lord Leon Von Reinhold´s Hüsung - Bonnie)
O + E: Sekita Sveigaard, Lennart F. Sørensen, Birkhedevej 27, 8680 Ry, Tlf.: 86890670
She is really an excellent type, lovely head, spotting perhaps a little heavy, good topline, excellent hind quarters, she and her owner has to work on the temperament, very good mover.
Ex 3

1619. Frihedens Prinsesse Phregne
DK08756/2007, 11/04/2007, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH FICH NORDCH NORDV PLCH VV06 Bell-A-Mir´s Elegant Envoy - Danish Spots Ena Spotted Liberty)
O: Jens Mauritzen og Jette Mauritzen, 8000 Århus C. E: Erik Winther Olsen, Erik C. Larsen, Carl Feilbergs Vej 20, 2000 Frederiksberg, Tlf.: 38872710.
Very nice bitch, very lovely head, nice and feminine, excellent topline, good bone, very good mover, excellent tailset.
Ex 1

1620. Curias Asta Allegro
DK05550/2007, 18/03/2007, hvid m. sort.
(DKCH Bell-A-Mir´s Eagle Eye - Gwynmor Terra Nova)
O: Charlotte Jenvall, Hans Thiessen, 3550 Slangerup. E: Bente Skovlund Madsen, Vårgyvelvej 1, 2690 Karlslunde, Tlf.: 46150102.
An excellent type, very good head, very good shoulder, very good neck, excellent topline, but she will not really be touched, owner has to work on temperament.
Very good 4

Åben klasse tæve.

1621. O´talix´s Launches Thumbelina.
13306/2005, 02/04/2005, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH NORDCH INTCH Toot’s Working Class Hero - DKCH O’talix’s Introduces Crazy Daisy)
O: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted. E: Howard Hoyle, Lone L. Pedersen, Glysingsvej 17, 5300 Kerteminde, Tlf.: 65322113.
Excellent head, very good muzzle, good neck and shoulder, nice topline, good depth of brisket, she does not quite drive behind for me.

1622. Oriana´s Traceable Titania.
03333/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. brun.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik's Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon's Countess Oriana)
O: Søren Jacobsen, 4560 Vig. E: Pia S. Jensen, Nymarksvej 30, 7100 Vejle, Tlf.: 76420108
Lovely head, could have a little less cheek for me, good shoulder, but I like a better upper arm, good tailset, lovely mover.
Ex 3

1623. Starlong Smiling Sun
NHSB 2479077, 25/10/2003, hvid m. sort
(NLCH Starlong Selective Stainer – NLCH INTCH Starlong Sweet Symphony)
O: Jorge Fataurus E: B. & J. Oberüber, Dorfstr. 47, D-15926 Heideblick/Gehren, Tyskland
Ej mødt.

1624. Allivalit Amalie
15066/2004, 05/07/2004, hvid m. brun.
(DKCH FICH NORDV NOCH SECH Spotnik’s Viking Victory - DKCH Curias Prægtige Petra)
O+ E: Karen Hylander og Peter Rasch, Havegårdsvej 1, 4500 Nykøbing Sj., Tlf.: 59320266.
Lovely head, the bitch is a little heavy for me, excellent topline, good shoulder and upper arm, she is pacing in her movement, and not trotting.
Very good

1625. Oriana´s Traceable Tudor Rose
03331/2006, 02/02/2006, hvid m. sort.
(NOCH FICH DKCH LUCH NLCH INTCH Spotnik's Special Selection - DKCH Paper Moon's Countess Oriana)
O + E: Søren Thanning Jacobsen, Martin Lyngesvej 5, 4560 Vig, Tlf.: 36302085.
Beautiful bitch, lovely proportions, excellent head, very good neck and shoulder, excellent topline, excellent hind quarters, very good mover.

1626. Victoria Of Arctick Innova
DK03666/2007, 14/02/2006 , hvid m. sort.
(NOCH SECH Toot’s The Great Pretender - Halima of Arctick Innova)
O: Bjørg Rhodén og Per Pedersen. E: Margrethe Kristensen, Øllemosevej 10, Rejnstrup, 4250 Fuglebjerg, Tlf. : 57521516.
Spotting little heavy, otherwise good head, good character, excellent neck and shoulder, good topline, good tailset, she could move with more drive behind.

1627. Kernehuset’s Zitha
06014/2004, 23/03/2004, hvid m. sort.
(T-Cart Obvious - Kernehuset’s Ronja)
O: Peter Christiansen, 5771 Stenstrup. E: Mette Christensen, Bakkevej 3, 5700 Svendborg, Tlf.: 63210806.
Well shaped head, like more depth over the muzzle and more filling under the eye, otherwise beautifully proportions, good neck and shoulder, good topline, very good hind quarters, nice mover.
Ex 4

1628. Shospot´s Wonder Danish Dharma.
U.reg. 02, 28/02/2006, hvid m. sort.
O: Shona Nedungadi. E: Mette Holmgren, 4100 Ringsted.
Lovely bitch, nice and feminine, good shoulder and upper arm, excellent forechest, good topline, excellent hind quarters, good tailset, could move with more drive and extension.
Ex 2