Resultat fra udstilllingen i Hedensted 18. maj 2014
Dommer: T. Griffin, Irland

BIR - Anmadeke's All Over The World (CERT)
BIM - Lots Of Spots Sloppy Sue (CERT)

2 - Lots Of Spots Bruce The Boss 2 - Lots Of Spots Madame Marie
3 - Kratskoven Enzo 3 - Kernehuset's Zitha
4 - Frihedens Szar Sarozza 4 - Lots Of Spots Traceable Titania


BIR Anmadeke's All Over The World og BIM Lots Of Spots Sloppy Sue

Baby: Curias Gambling Gregory, SL1, Bedste baby. Baby: Dallise's Magic Moonlight, SL1.
Allivalit Honey, SL2.
Hvalp: Ingen deltagere Hvalp: Miss Moneypenny Vom Hause Picolino, L.
Junior: Kratskoven Enzo, EX1 CK, BHK3.
Frihedens Szar Sarozza, EX2 CK. BHK4.
Inky Gipsy Curi@s Jaime, EX3.
Dalton's Sheriff Vom Indeland, VG4.
Junior: Assiduitas La Floridita, EX1 CK.
Checkpoint Bravo's Noelani, EX2.
Frihedens Szarina, VG3.
Mellem: Ingen deltagere
Mellem: Spotnik's Key Klick, VG.

Ingen deltagere

Åben: Lots Of Spots Sloppy Sue, EX1 CK, CERT, BTK1, BIM.
Tre Falke's Fanlight Fanny, EX2 CK.
Dalise's Living Love, EX3.
Dallise's Little Lady, EX4.
Champion: Anmadeke's All Over The World, EX1 CK, CERT. BHK1, BIR. DANSK CHAMPION på dagen.
Lots Of Spots Bruce The Boss, EX2 CK, BHK2.
Champion: Lots Of Spots Madame Marie, EX1 CK.
Veteran: Ingen deltagere Veteran: Kernehusets Zitha, EX1 CK, BTK3, Bedste veteran.
Lots Of Spots Traceable Titania, EX2 CK, BTK4.